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Enjoy Clean Water without the Cost or Consequences of Bottle Water: Invest in a Water Filter for Your Brisbane Home or Business

Enjoy Clean Water without the Cost or Consequences of Bottle Water: Invest in a Water Filter for Your Brisbane Home or Business


In 2013, Business Insider cited statistics from the Beverage Marketing Corporation noting that Americans had spent $11.8 billion on bottled water the previous year. In Australia, the number is nowhere near as high, but it still isn't anything to write off as negligible. On the contrary, the education website CoolAustralia.org says that Australians spend about $500 million on bottled water each year.

These figures would be high even with no practical context. However, the controversy that surrounded bottled water is particularly fascinating given that water is a commodity many citizens of first world countries choose to buy for a premium price. In Australia, most of us are lucky enough to live in areas in which clean and drinkable water is readily accessible. All you have to do to get water for an exceedingly low price is turn on a tap. Yet many people choose to pay $1, $3, $5, or more to drink water out of a plastic bottle.

The Consequences of the Bottled Water Industry

At Filtered Water Solutions, one of our goals is to help businesses, families, and individuals save money by rethinking the tap. By offering some of the best water filters money can buy in Brisbane, we can help to make your tap water taste better and fresher every time you take a drink. Beyond that, our water filters can remove chlorine and other contaminants that may or may not be in the water coming out of your tap. As a result, water through a Filtered Water Solutions tap will taste as good as bottled water for just a minuscule percentage of the price.

Higher costs are just one of the consequences of a population becoming too reliant on bottled water. The other issues are related to the health of the human body and the global environment. One problem is that most of the plastic used to make water bottles—particularly the disposable bottles that tend to house bottled water—contains BPA. BPA (or bisphenol A) is a chemical that has been linked with everything from reproductive problems to cardiovascular diseases. BPA is also not the only chemical that tends to appear in bottled water. On the contrary, according to 2014 scientific findings, more than 24,500 different chemicals might appear in a single bottle of water.

Opting for purer water is one major reason to invest in a water filter in Brisbane. Considering the health of the environment provides plenty of other reasons to rethink bottled water. For one thing, producing the plastic bottles that are used in bottled water—or operating the factory in which the bottles are filled, sealed, and labelled—produces energy and carbon dioxide. For another, plastic water bottles have to be thrown away or recycled and, with the volume at which people use them, that means a lot of waste. Indeed, according to another stat from CoolAustralia.org, discarded drink containers account for more than one-third of the world’s waste.

Join the Fight Against Bottled Water Today with the Best Water Filter in Brisbane

Are you interested in doing your part to fight the consequences of the bottled water industry? Do you want to learn how much money you can save by cutting bottled water out of your monthly or weekly grocery bill? Call Filtered Water Solutions to learn more about water filters in Brisbane available for both homes and businesses. You can reach us today on 1300 651 837.


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