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Filtered Water Solutions for Rainwater Tanks

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Water Filter Systems for Rainwater

Rainwater is very popular in Australia and rainwater tanks are commonly found in suburban and rural homes. Collecting and storing rainwater has versatile uses outside and inside the home. Rainwater can be used for gardening, swimming pools, spas as well as being a water source for washing clothes, showers and toilets. Most importantly, rainwater is quite clean and most of us commonly associate it as a source of drinking water.

Hazards of Rainwater

While rainwater is generally clean, it is still not clean enough to drink straight out of the tank. The water may collect dirt and sediment as well as other bacteria along the way to the tank and may also grow bacteria while being stored.

If you already have a rainwater tank or are planning on installing one, consider regular maintenance of your water catchment areas to minimise contaminations. Also remember that your rainwater tank is not set and forget. A good regular clean will ensure both the tanks longevity as well as clean water for your home.

Filtering Rainwater For Drinking

The good news is rainwater can be efficiently filtered and can be safe for consumption. Our filtered water systems can be used with rainwater tanks but unlike the water that comes from the mains, the water filters used for rainwater are specially made. Using a silver carbon block specifically for rainwater, these water filters fit into our standard under sink water filter systems making them easy to install and maintain.

The silver carbon block is a key component to filtering rainwater. Where our regular carbon filters and reverse osmosis water filters are excellent for town water, the silver carbon filters are highly recommended and used for rainwater as it filters bacteria which occurs in rainwater.

Filtered Water Solutions Tips

To help increase the life of your water filters and overall best practice here’s a couple of important points.

Regular Cleaning & Maintenance – We mentioned this earlier but regular maintenance of your water filter system as well as your rainwater tank and rainwater catchment areas help to reduce bacteria and contaminants which can help prolong the life of your filters.

Paint & Plumbing – Lead and other contaminants have been a hot topic. Installing a water filter system helps to remove but why add to the cause? Be aware of what plumbing products you use from the plumbing to your paint selection. For example, if you are painting the roof and your roof is a source of harvesting rainwater, then check the paint labels to ensure that the paint is suitable for harvesting drinking water.

If you have a rainwater tank or are looking to install a new one for good clean drinking water, contact us to organise your under sink water filter system or ask us if you have any questions. Our water filter systems are Watermark and NSF certified and we have a great team of knowledgeable staff in the office and out on the field. 


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