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 How can I make my water safe?

Water can be made safe by filtering out the contaminants it contains. This can be done by purchasing one of the Filtered Water Solutions water filter units. Please check our products page for the range of water filter products that are available from Filtered Water Solutions.

What is the difference between tap water and filtered water?

Tap water is pipe suppiied town water.

Filtered water is puriried and cleansed water for drinking purposes. Filtered Water removes impurities in from your tap water.

What is the difference between bottled water and filtered water?

Bottled water is an outrageously expensive process for drinking water. Bottled water is generally spring water that is from an underground source and may or may not have been treated and purified. Most of bottled water is labelled spring water, studies have found contaminants in bottled water such as coliform, arsenic and phthalates. 

Filtered Water is water that has been purified by removing chemicals and contaminants. Such purification includes reverse osmosis or carbon filtration. Advantages are that potentially harmful chemicals are taken out however the beneficial minerals that may be taken out can be put back with a reverese osmosis system with alkaline.

Is there any maintenance involved in my water filter and how often is maintenance required?

Yes. Maintentance is required once every 12 months on Filtered Water Solutions water filters.

What is involved in a Service?

Cleaning & steralising your water filter system followed by replacing of the cartridges within the water filter system.  

Is there any cost involved in servicing my water filter?

Service is free of charge which involves cleaning the system. Note, free service is provided with request for replacement of cartridges.

Please call our service centre for cost of cartridge replacement as price differs based on the water filter system you may have.

What happens when I move?

 Uninstall and Reinstall options are available for metropolitan areas.  Please contact our sales office for further information.

I'm renting but my landlord won't allow me to install a water filter, how can I still have the benefit of water filter?

Yes, countertop water filter is also available so you can still enjoy the benefits of filtered water.

How long will it take to install a water filter?

It takes upto 30 mintues to install a water filter system.

What is a faucet?

Faucet is a water filter tap that is supplied with each water filter system.

What is a pressure limiting valve?

A pressure limiting valve or PLV is used to limit the water pressure for your water filter to ensure smooth operation of the water filter system. Note, not included with the purchase of a water filter system.

Do the water filter systems work with rainwater tanks?

Our water filter systems can be installed for use with rainwater tanks but we have a special water filter designed for use with rainwater. Learn more here or call us to find out more. 

I cannot afford a water filter but would like to have one - how can I still take benefit of filtered water?

Please contact our sales office as Payment plan option can be offered.


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